Black Widow: A Tale of Teen Spirit
This might be one of the darkest Marvel films we have seen so far. We always knew that the First Lady of the Avengers, Natasha Romanov AKA Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), had a tragic backstory. It is an entirely different experience watching it on screen.

Black Panther: Ramonda Forever
As we all remember, the year 2020 was an era of tremendous chaos and great tragedy. One such tragedy was the death of the great Chadwick Bosemon, who previously starred as the lead of Black Panther, T'challa, aka the Black Panther. The second film in this series, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, as much as it is a blockbuster, is a memorial to the late Chadwick Boseman. This sentiment echoes throughout the entire movie, and we feel his presence from beginning to end.

Thor... Love and Bad Writing Decisions
Every now and then, there comes a certain kind of movie. A movie that makes you laugh, that makes you cry, and that makes you shake with excitement, enjoyment, and fear. Most of us love that movie, when it comes along. Unfortunately for my audience, this is not the movie I will be reviewing.

Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse of Lameness?
I watched Multiverse of Madness, also called MoM by some fans, with great excitement, only to be let down in many interesting ways. But, nevertheless, the film drastically shifted the trajectory of the MCU and is vital regardless of its divided reception.

Morbius: It's Morbin' Time
Morbius, released in April 2022 and starring Jared Leto as the titular character, has been the subject of many viral Twitter threads…if only because it somehow became a meme completely unrelated to the plot of the movie itself. To be completely honest, I don’t remember watching most of the movie. In fact, I fell asleep multiple times, including towards the very end. So, this review will consist primarily of the little I still remember, why I fell asleep, and why its main character has become a highly successful meme.

The Batman: Familiar Characters with New Faces
One may be asking, why do we need another Batman movie if The Nolan Trilogy, especially The Dark Knight, still holds up? Well, we certainly did not need this movie, but I, for one, am thankful that we got it! Matt Reeves’ The Batman is a dark, suspenseful reimagining of the classic Batman storyline that features new interpretations of characters like Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), The Penguin (Colin Farell), and The Riddler (Paul Dano).

No Way Home: The True Ending To The Spider-Man Trilogy, Or Carried By The Past?
This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. It's the final Marvel premiere of the year 2021. And most of all, it's the conclusion of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Spider-Man trilogy. No Way Home has become one of the greatest films that both Marvel and Sony have ever released - but I have got to admit, given the long, complicated history of Spider-Man films, it would have been very difficult for it to turn out any other way.

The Eternals: The Team That Time (Almost) Forgot
Long ago, in an unknown dimension, Marvel Studios decided to make a film about characters most of us have never even heard of. Behold, the Eternals — an elite team of ancient, all-powerful immortals who hail from the godly world of Olympia, now on a mission to make the planet Earth a better place… or so we thought.

Invincible: A Shocking New Take on the Classic Superhero Story
When my roommates told me they wanted our next viewing project to be an animated superhero show, I was ... hesitant. An adult cartoon? Those aren’t really my thing. Eventually I gave in because, after all, I had forced them to watch Survivor with me.

Wandavision & What’s to Come from Marvel
WandaVision, starring Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany, concludes with a dramatic ending, inducing surprise, joy, grief, and for some eager fans, disappointment. The 9-episode Disney+ series combines sci-fi, drama, comedy, fantasy, mystery and of course, action. Its weekly serialized format makes room for eager Marvel geeks around the world to take to the internet to predict what comes next for the show that starts in a very confusing, open-ended way.