House of the Dragon Season 1: A Worthy Successor to the Game of Thrones Legacy
Succeeding Game of Thrones (GoT), one of the most widely discussed and watched shows in television history, is no easy job. The shows will be compared, and previous baggage always remembered. House of the Dragon, a show about the rise and fall of a ruling house in the GoT universe, stares down that daunting prospect with aplomb and more.

The Moviegoer’s 2024 Oscar Picks
The Academy Awards Ceremony, which passed on March 10, 2024, provoked the usual discourse surrounding snubs and disagreements over who should have won. With that in mind, here is the Moviegoer’s review of the 2024 Oscars.

Halloween: A Brief Tour of Horror’s Most Overrated Franchise
There are few villains in cinema more iconic than Michael Myers. From his misshapen William Shatner mask to his trademark kitchen knife, mere suggestions of these images are enough to send chills down the spines of generations of Americans, even for those who haven’t seen the Halloween films. I’ll be honest with you from the start: I don’t like Halloween very much, but give me a chance to explain.