Grasp The Nettle! The Wondrous Balderdash of Baron Munchausen
I was one of those kids at school who needed the crayons to be taken away from them. My mom tells the story of my first day of school, and how I cried at the end of the day when I wasn’t able to bring the picture I’d drawn home with me. I was the artsy kid in high school, even more artistic kid by the time I got to enrolling into a Fine Art degree in college. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always made things. But when I think about the kinds of things which have influenced me along the way, one of the earliest memories I have is of gloomy Sunday afternoons growing up in the bleak seventies of rural England, and watching the sketch comedy series, Monty Python’s Flying Circus with my Dad.

Black Panther: Ramonda Forever
As we all remember, the year 2020 was an era of tremendous chaos and great tragedy. One such tragedy was the death of the great Chadwick Bosemon, who previously starred as the lead of Black Panther, T'challa, aka the Black Panther. The second film in this series, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, as much as it is a blockbuster, is a memorial to the late Chadwick Boseman. This sentiment echoes throughout the entire movie, and we feel his presence from beginning to end.